Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you If you're young at heartImage Hosted by ImageShack.us

You’ve recorded a song indelibly associated with Sinatra, Young At Heart, on this new album. It’s too corny to be true.
TW: [Drily] Yeah, that song always moved me. My wife just thinks it’s hilarious because she says, “You sound so goddamned depressed singing it. When you say, And here’s the best part/ You have a head start/ If you are among the very young at heart’.. .she says, ‘I don’t believe that bullshit for a
minute.” [Laughs] “Young at heart, my ass!


Anonymous said...

a história do active x está a tornar impossível a visita a este blog, já não sei o que fazer, que nervossss!

Anonymous said...
