"This is a story... a tune here... it's about a guy who goes into one of those 24-hour restaurants where they give you the refill on the coffee, so you can sit for, shit, four or five hours. So he walks in there and he's checking out the waitress, Bernice, with a tag on her thing... and... So he just checks her out all night, plots and schemes on how he's gonna get from the booth to get her into his Plymouth. And finally he just chucks the whole thing and goes back to just using his imagination. You can buy the imagination just about anywhere now. And it goes like this."
e a canção
esta música é (demasiado!) bonita. conta uma história de momento maravilhosamente intenso. de tamanha intensidade, que de uma história de momento pode passar, simplesmente, a uma história.
(obrigada pelas fantásticas partilhas que fazes, na simplicidade encantadora de cada post que nos ofereces.)
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